Livestream FAQ

1. Purchases of the BN series prior to Dec 30th, 2020 will NOT give access.

2. Fans in Indonesia and China will not be able to access the stream due to local content restrictions.

3. Tickets are for the purchaser only and access cannot be shared. 

4. The Basement Noise Concert Series is available to purchase for viewing for a limited time.

Watch on demand as many times as you wish from January 1 at 12:01 AM ET - January 3 11:59PM ET

  1. Wake Up, Sunshine
  2. Rian's Choice Setlist
  3. Zack's Choice Setlist
  4. Alex's Choice Setlist
  5. Jack's Choice Setlist

5. Please review the below device requirements before purchasing. 

Refunds are not available.

Additional questions? Click the chat box in the lower right corner or email

Technical & Browser Requirements:

To watch a livestream event, please ensure you have the following :

System Requirements: Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.6 or higher

Supported desktop browsers:

  • Google Chrome 45+
  • Mozilla Firefox 49+
  • Safari 10+
  • Microsoft Edge 15+

Supported mobile browsers:

  • Chrome 45+
  • Safari 10+ (iOS)

Internet Connection:

  • 5-10mbps download speed is recommended. Check your connection at

Not Supported: